כ"א תמוז התשפ"ד

Solomon Family Demands Entire Terrorists Home Be Razed

Per ruling of the high court, only the floor that the terrorist resided on was destroyed, with the indictment of his family members for assisting in the murder, the Solomon family is demanding the entire home be razed

Solomon Family Demands Entire Terrorists Home Be Razed
דובר צה''ל

Per the ruling of the high court, the IDF only destroyed the floor that the terrorist resided on, leaving the rest of the structure intact. After the terrorist’s family members, including both parents, were indicted with “failing to prevent a crime”, the Solomon family is demanding that the entire structure be destroyed.

With assistance from attorney Chaim Blicher, provided by the ‘Choneni’ legal orginazation, the family turned to the IDF commander responsible for the central region, and demanded that the entire home be razed.
The peculiar decision to destroy only a section of the home, was in response to a petition by left wing organizations, who petitioned the high court to halt the homes destruction.

In his letter to the IDF commander, attorney Blicher demands in the name of the Solomin family that the entire structure be destroyed, in order to create deterrence in the wake of such a shocking terror attack.

“This is one of the cruelest terror attacks that the state of Israel has known” Blicher wrote, “The murder of 3 family members in cold blood, after the terrorist herd the laughter of the joy of Shabbos and the birth of a new grandchild emanating from the home. The circumstances of the attack and the vicinity of the attack, justify the strongest deterrent step that can be taken against the terrorist and his surroundings”.

Blicher argues that the conviction of the terrorist's family members for collaborations at various levels in the crime, justifies a deterrent action against the entire family; and therefore, warrants the demolition of the house the family owns- as a whole.
Blicher also claims that not destroying the entire structure creates a scenario where the family can renovate the damaged section without incurring great loses, and defeats the whole idea of deterrence.

“Unfortunately, partial destruction of the house leaves the land in the hands of the family, and also allows reconstruction of the building in the future- does not deter enough, and certainly not in such a serious incident”.

The attorney’s claims were strengthened after the terrorist was seen arriving in court with an evil smile spread out on his face.

Translated by Eli B.


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