ב' סיון התשפ"ד

Tzipi strongest against Netanyahu, but gets only 9 seats

Weekend surveys in Yediot and 'Israel Today': Mofaz and Ben-Ari are swinging according to the survey of Yediot, chairman of Kadima is the most suitable candidate of the Left - Center block as prime minister

Tzipi Livni. Photo: Flash 90
Tzipi Livni. Photo: Flash 90

This morning weekend surveys of two major newspapers in the country: Israel Today and Yediot Aharonot are published.

While in Israel Today - a survey carried out by the 'New Wave' - Likud wins 39 seats, Yediot presents the survey of Mina Tzemach, which gives Likud 37 seats only.

In both surveys Shas has 11 seats, Habayit Hayehudi 10, Amsalem gets two seats, and Yahadut Hatorah - 5.

While the survey in Israel Today Labor party receives 20 delegates, Lapid 10 and Livni 7, in Yediot Labor gets 19, Lapid 9 and Livni 9.

Meretz in Israel Today gets 4, and 5 in Yediot, in Israel Today survey Kadima passes the threshold and gets two seats, but in Yediot survey Otzma Le'yisrael of Ben-Ari appears in its place with the same number of representatives. The Arabs have 10 representatives in Israel Today, and 11 in Yediot.

The Right- Hareidim blcok according to Israel Today survey: 65, and according to Yediot: 65.

Yediot also examined the suitability of the candidates for prime minister of left -central vs. Netanyahu: Livni gets 30%, compared with 55% for Netanyahu, Yachimovich gets 19% against 62% for Bibi, while Yair Lapid makes do with 17% against 68% of the incumbent prime minister.

To the question "What is the chance you'll vote in the upcoming elections to the Knesset?" 'Israel Today' finds that half of the respondents, 48.5% "are sure at 100% they will go to vote." 18.7% are confident in 75% to 99% they will vote.

The most determined are Meretz voters (92.4% will vote at 100%) and Jewish Home (93.2%). In general, the left is more determined than the right to articipate in elections (59% vs. 54.8%), the most apathetic are Center voters, only 47.6% of them will come to the polls.


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