י"א סיון התשפ"ד

R' Aharon Leib: "Alarm in middle of learning – flee"

Many visit the house of R' Aharon Leib Steinman to request advice • What is required of the Bnei Yeshiva at this time? • Is there a danger to stay in Israel in general and the South in particular?

R' Aharon Leib Steinman. Archive photo: Yaakov Nahumi
R' Aharon Leib Steinman. Archive photo: Yaakov Nahumi

The difficult situation in the south and hundreds of missiles landing in Israel, has brought many to the door of Hag"r Aharon Leib Steinman, with a question of what to do, how to act and with what should one become stronger nowadays.

As mentioned, the night before the outbreak of war, the Rosh Yeshiva instructed to begin learning in shifts continuously at his Yeshiva, Orchos Torah, as he had previously ordered to do when the decree of recruit hovered over the yeshiva world.

When the Rosh Yeshiva is asked about the situation, he repeats and says: "What we need to do at this time, is just to learn, learn and learn, and whatever one adds to the learning is useful. And especially learning continuously about which Rabi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto zt"l wrote that there is no better than this advice for Yisroel to cancel any harsh decrees."

R' Aharon Leib even told questioners: "This is all included in what Chazal have said that land of Israel is acquired by suffering, and everything is included in the labor pains of Mashiach."

There are those who arrived to ask about yeshivos and/or individuals, can one stay in the South, and is it possible to arrive in Israel from overseas, and as evidenced by the house members, these are many questions, incessantly, and every single question is reconsidered by him as if this is the first time he came across it, each time he weighs according to the situation if there is some relaxation in the situation and so on. "

The house members are overwhelmed. "You learn that the greatest responsibility in Dinei Nefashos, we have to consider everything individually. Especially the amazing trait of patience, it seems to me that anyone of us could not bear even a tenth of those questions when they were repeated all the time, and R' Aharon Leib listens and considers and discusses each question over and over again," says one of them, impressed.

To the matter in hand, R' Aharon Leib repeats and instructs that "caution should be exercised in the rules provided by superiors about it, and not to take things lightly, G-d forbid. One is allowed to leave even during Shmoneh Esre when there is an alarm for only speech is considered a Hefsek. And even in the middle of learning, one should not argue that this is Bitul Torah, G-d forbid, but if there is an alarm in the middle of learning – they should flee! "

Another topic of discussion relates to a place where missiles had not yet fallen in, will it have a "Chazoka" that they will not fall, and vice versa, a place where rockets fell whether it is held as a dangerour place.
The Rosh Yeshiva's response: "Chazoka is only the past that has not changed, but there is no "chazoka" for the future, that it will stay this way."

One day he was asked by the rabbis who are Mikve supervisors, if they go to these days to places which are more prone. In his reply, R' Aharon Leib said that although "one who keeps a Mitzvah will know nothing bad", and based on this he sent to check a Mikve in the Shomron, but on the other hand we also learned that "in a place of danger, it is different". Therefore, Hagry"l answered this question individually, while he discussed the matter in hand.
study war south Steinman questions


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