ט"ז אלול התשפ"ד


Hgr"c Kanievsky against Hgr"m Gross: G- Forbid

A document issued in the Court of Hgr"m Gross published an article permitting the use of a digital water kettle on Shabbos • Reb Chaim Kanievsky letter in 'Yated': "G-d forbid, remove such things from your home"

B'Chadrei Charedim Reporter 18.10.12

Overtakes Hamodia: 'Hamevasser" in digital version

Hamevaser comes to the internet: as of early this morning surfers will get the paper in PDF format for free, but without the supplements. The advertisements in the digital version will be different than those in print

Yonah Green, Behadrei Hareidim 03.07.12

Overtakes Hamodia: 'Hamevasser" in digital version

Hamevaser comes to the internet: as of early this morning surfers will get the paper in PDF format for free, but without the supplements. The advertisements in the digital version will be different than those in print

Yonah Green, Behadrei Hareidim 03.07.12