י"ט שבט התשפ"ה


American Delegates Hopped Between Yerushalayim And Ramallah

President trump’s son in law Jared Kushner, and American special representative for international negotiation Jason Greenblatt, visited Israel yesterday to try and restart peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians-Watch

Yanki Farber 22.06.17

Terror Attack In Yerushalayim: Chareidi Mispallel Tackles Terrorist And Saves Policeman

A police officer was moderately wounded on Shabbos afternoon in the old city of Yerushalayim when an Arab terrorist stabbed him, two Chareidim passing by assisted the policeman in neutralizing the terrorist – Eyewitness to “Bechadrei”: “He saved the policeman by stopping the bleeding with his Tallis, It’s literally a miracle”

Itsik mon 14.05.17

Egged strike In Yerushalayim On Wednesday

At 5:00 AM Thursday morning Egged bus services will be suspended throughout Yerushalayim; Union announces, strike is result of poor behavior towards employees

Shiffy Charitan 02.01.17

More Americans Moving To Ramot Beis

Many young American families have recently moved to Ramot Beis in Yerushalayim. The fast-growing community has doubled and tripled itself in the past few years

Eli B 21.11.16

Yerushalayim: Crosses on a Shul

The members of a Shul nearby Emek Refaim Street in Yerushalayim were horrified this morning as they discovered a large number of crosses sprayed in black on the walls of the Shul. An investigation has been launched.

Eli Shlesinger 12.09.16

Yerushalayim: Crosses on a Shul

The members of a Shul nearby Emek Refaim Street in Yerushalayim were horrified this morning as they discovered a large number of crosses sprayed in black on the walls of the Shul. An investigation has been launched.

Eli Shlesinger 12.09.16

Jerusalem: a New Perspective

Photographer Zack Wajsgras presents a stunning collection of photos depicting the classic Jerusalem sites from a fresh perspective.

Kobi Har Tzvi photography by Zack Wajsgras Flash 90 17.06.16

Fire in Ramat Shlomo: Shul Damaged

Even as the fire in Northern Yerushalayim burns, fire fighters were called to the scene of a burning shul in the southern Jerusalem neighborhood of Ramat Shlomo. Kobi Har Tzvi Bechadrey's photographer documented the fire.

Eli Shlezinger 15.06.16

The Mir Distributes Fans

Not just free bread: The world's largest fortress of Torah is distributing fans to the yeshiva's avreichim

Moshe Weissberg 01.06.16

Amazing Event for Frum Writers in Yerushalayim

Two hundred and fifty frum female writers attended yesterday's annual JWWS. This year's Jerusalem Women's Writers Seminar attracted an eclectic mix of talented English speaking women from all over Israel, and even from as far away as New York!

Bracha Cohen 25.05.16
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